EDD Calculator: Calculate Your Pregnancy Due Date

Welcome to EDDCalculator.net, the ultimate due date calculator predicting due dates by LMP and other methods like Ultrasound, Conception Date, IVF Pickup, and IVF Transfer Date.

LMP - Due Date Calculator

How It Works:

Our EDD Calculator website counts the due date in many ways, and you can make sure you choose the one that will be right for your situation:

  • Last Menstrual Period (LMP): This is the most commonly used method to estimate your pregnancy due date.
  • Ultrasound: You will get the most accurate measurement of gestational age.
  • Conception Date: Useful if you know the exact day of conception.
  • IVF Transfer Date: For those who have undergone in vitro fertilization.

Why Calculate Your Due Date?

Estimating your due date is crucial, not just out of excitement for your baby’s arrival, but also practical planning:

  • Healthcare: Schedule prenatal check-ups on time.
  • Work: Arrange your maternity leave.
  • Home: Make necessary preparations for childcare and home adjustments.

What is an EDD Calculator?

Our EDD Calculator is an online tool that helps one estimate the date of delivery for one's baby in a calculated manner with all methods, including LMP, ultrasound dates, conception, and IVF outcomes. The tool becomes handy for people in planning for the pregnancy milestone and dates the baby showers should fall in relation to the milestones.


The EDD Calculator will provide a very useful estimated due date; it does not consider your personal health factors—age, medical history—or certain conditions that would change the outcome of your pregnancy. We definitely do suggest that you check with your healthcare provider if you need an accurate due date.

Important Notice and Disclaimer

The given information is only for educational purposes. You shouldn't use this information to diagnose or treat any health issues. Remember, this info isn't meant to replace a doctor's advice or care for someone's specific health needs. For more details and the full disclaimer, you can click on the provided link.

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